
Lise Sarfati est une artiste photographe vivant entre Paris et Los Angeles. 

Le travail de Lise Sarfati a fait l'objet d'expositions personnelles au Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LACMA, Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Turino, Maison européenne de la photographie, Paris, FOAM, Amsterdam, Centro Del Arte Domus Artium, Salamanca, Nicolaj Center of Contemporary Art, Kopenhagen, parmi d'autres grands musées et institutions. Elle a aussi participé à de nombreuses expositions collectives dans des musées tels que le SFMOMA, San Francisco, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Triennale di Milano, MoMA PS1, New York, International Center of Photography, New York, Huis Marseille, Amsterdam.

Son travail fait partie des grandes collections privées et publiques dont LACMA, SFMOMA, De Young Museum, San Francisco, Pier 24, San Francisco, Brooklyn Museum, NY, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, MO, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Fonds national d'art contemporain, Paris, Maison européenne de la photographie, Paris, Musée Nicéphore Niépce, Châlon sur Saône.  

En 1996, Lise Sarfati a reçu les prestigieux Prix Niépce, Paris, et Infinity Award du Centre International de la photographie, New York. Elle a également été nominée pour le Deutsche Börse Prize en 2010 et le Prix Pictet en 2015.




- "Oh Man", Lise Sarfati, Nominated For Pictet Prize, 2015

- "Austin, Texas", exhi­bi­tion at Fotografins Hus, Stockholm, Sweden Nominated for the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize, 2010

- Prix Niépce, Paris, France, 1996

- Infinity Award, International Center of Photography, New York, USA, 1996

- Villa Médicis Hors les Murs, Paris, France, 1996

- FIACRE, Ministère de la Culture, Paris, France, 1995

- Prime à la qual­ité, "C'est moi, c'est Roger", Centre National du Cinéma, Paris, France, 1994





- Aipad, New York, USA, La Galerie Particulière, "Lise Sarfati, Oh Man", March 30-April 2, 2017

- Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Turino, Italy, "Lise Sarfati, Oh Man", January 27-March 13, 2016

- Los Angeles County Museum of Art LACMA, "Lise Sarfati, Post-Factum", December 7, 2013-April 27, 2014

- Yossi Milo Gallery, New York, USA, "Lise Sarfati, On Hollywood", September 6-October 13, 2012

- Brancolini Grimaldi Gallery London, UK, "Lise Sarfati, She", February 2-March 17, 2012

- Rose Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA, "Lise Sarfati, On Hollywood", February 25-March 26, 2012

- Rose Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA, "Lise Sarfati, She", April 2-May 8, 2012

- Magnum Gallery, Paris, France, "Lise Sarfati, The New Life", March 17-April 30, 2011

- Fotografins Hus, Stockholm, Sweden, "Lise Sarfati, Austin, Texas", September 4-October 18, 2009

- Brancolini Grimaldi Galleria, Roma, Italy, "Lise Sarfati, Austin, Texas", May 8-June 14, 2009

- Le loft Sévigné Paris, France, "Lise Sarfati, Recent works", November 9-16, 2008

- Yossi Milo Gallery, New York, USA, "Rough, Cold and Close: A Russian Poem", October 24-November 29, 2008

- Maison Rouge, Paris, France, "Lise Sarfati, Austin, Texas", October 7, 2008

- Galleria Carla Sozzani, Milano, Italy, "Lise Sarfati", September 6-October 19, 2008

- Centre National de l'Audiovisuel, Dudelange, Luxembourg, "The New Life", June 25-August 31, 2008

- Center of Contemporary Art Vinzavod, 7th International Month of Photography Photobiennale, Moscow, Russia, "Lise Sarfati, The New Life", March 21-April 27, 2008

- FOAM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, "Lise Sarfati, The New Life", May 25-July 8, 2007

- Aberdeen Art Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland, "Lise Sarfati, The New Life", September 1-November 10, 2007

- UC Riverside, California Museum of Photography, USA, "The New Life", August 5-October 7, 2006

- Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles, France, "Lise Sarfati, The New Life", July 7-September 19, 2006

- Rose Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA, "The New Life", April 1-May 30, 2006

- Nicolaj Center of Contemporary Art, Kopenhagen, Danemark, "Lise Sarfati Retrospective", January 27-March 28, 2006

- Yossi Milo Gallery, New York, USA, "Lise Sarfati, The New Life", October 20-November 26, 2005

- Museo de San Telmo, San Sebastien, Spain, "Lise Sarfati, The New Life", September 16-October 16, 2005

- The Photographer's Gallery, London, UK, "Lise Sarfati American Series", June 16-July 31, 2005

- Domus Artium Centro del Arte, Salamanca, Spain, "Lise Sarfati", October 16-December 5, 2004

- Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France, "Lise Sarfati", January 23-April 7, 2002

- Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles, France, "Lise Sarfati, Post Factum", July 2002

- Musée Nicéphore Niépce, "Lise Sarfati, Prix Niépce", Chalon-sur-Saône, France, November 29-February 2, 1997

- Centre National de la Photographie, Paris, France, "Lise Sarfati, Prix Niépce", September 17-October 21, 1996





- Rose Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, "He/She/They", October 1- November 30, 2016

- Photo Vogue Italia Festival, Milano, Italy, The Female Gaze, November 22-November 26, 2016 

- Kopeikin Gallery, Los Angeles, "Both Sides of Sunset", October 24-December 19, 2015

- Galleria dell'Accademia, Firenze, "Ri-conoscere Michelangelo", February 18-May 18, 2014

- Rose Gallery, Paris-Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, "Lise Sarfati, She", November 14-17, 2013

- Rose Gallery, Paris-Photo, Paramount Pictures Studio, Los Angeles, "Lise Sarfati, She", April 26-28, 2013

- Rose Gallery, Pulse Miami Art Fair, "Lise Sarfati, On Hollywood", December 6-9, 2012

- Yossi Milo Gallery, Pulse Miami Art Fair, "Lise Sarfati, On Hollywood", December 6-9, 2012

- Rose Gallery, Paris-Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, "Lise Sarfati, On Hollywood", November 10-13, 2012

- Yossi Milo Gallery, Aipad, Pier 94, New York, USA "Lise Sarfati, On Hollywood", March 29, 2012

- Yossi Milo Gallery, Opening of the New Gallery of Yossi Milo, "Lise Sarfati, The New Life", February 16, 2012

- Yossi Milo Gallery, Pulse Miami, "Lise Sarfati, She", December 2-5, 2010

- Brancolini Grimaldi Gallery, Pulse Miami, "Lise Sarfati, She", December 2-5, 2010

- Brancolini Grimaldi Gallery, Paris-Photo, "Lise Sarfati, She", November 17-21, 2010

- Triennale di Milano, "Disquieting Images", curated by Germano Celant and Melissa Harris, October 19-January 9, 2010

- University Art Gallery at San Diego State University, CA, "She: In Her Teens and Twenties", September 20-December 4, 2011

- Club 2010, "Les Jeunes Deauvillaises", Deauville, France, October 30-November 30, 2011

- Forum für Fotografie, Köln, Germany, "Never Just Looking", curated by Thomas Zander and Valerie Fougeirol, September 4-October 17, 2011

- Magnum Gallery, Paris, France, "Never Just Looking", curated by Thomas Zander, May 22-July 30, 2011

- Magnum Gallery, Paris, France, "Selected Works", January 5-February 2, 2011

- SF MoMA, "Picturing Modernity", San Francisco, CA, USA, September 12-December 20, 2009

- Rose Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA, "Staff Picks", October 10-December 10, 2009

- Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing, China, "Women of Many Faces: Isabelle Huppert", June 19-July, 2009

- International Center of Photography ICP, New York, "Weird Beauty", curated by Carol Squiers and Vince Aletti, January 16-May 3, 2009

- CCS Bard Galleries and Hessel, Museum of Art, Annandale on Hudson, New York, USA, "The Greenroom: Reconsidering the Documentary and Contemporary Art", September 27-February 1, 2009

- La Centrale Electrique, European Center for Contemporary Art, Bruxelles, Belgium, "Réfléchir le monde", October 15-January 11, 2009

- Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York, USA, "Easy Rider", July 11-September 8, 2007

- Yossi Milo Gallery, New York, USA, "June Bride", June 7-August 17, 2007

- Fotomuseum Der Haag, The Netherlands, "Women of Many Faces: Isabelle Huppert", April 7-June 17, 2007

- Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Turin, Italy, "Women of Many Faces: Isabelle Huppert", December 6-March 3, 2007

- Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgique, "Euro Visions" March 8-July 1, 2007

- Christie's New York, lec­ture with col­lec­tors, jour­nal­ists and cura­tors, panel dis­cus­sion with Lise Sarfati, Mitch Epstein and Susan Bright, Moderator, "The American Landscape", October 2, 2009

- Christie's New York, "The American Landscape: Color Photographs, from the Collection of Bruce and Nancy Berman", October 7, 2009

- MoMA PS1, Long Island City, USA, "Women of Many Faces: Isabelle Huppert", October 30-December 5, 2006

- Gallery C/O, Berlin, Germany, "Women of Many Faces: Isabelle Huppert", March 1-April 30, 2006

- Botanic Garden, Madrid, Spain, "Women of Many Faces: Isabelle Huppert", 2006

- Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan, "Women of Many Faces: Isabelle Huppert", July 1-August 8, 2006

- Couvent des Cordeliers, Paris, France, "Women of Many Faces: Isabelle Huppert", February 4-25, 2006

- Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary, "Euro-visions", June 9-August 30, 2006

- Zamec, Warsaw, Poland, "Euro Visions", October 9-November 26, 2006

- Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, "Euro Visions", September 14-October 17, 2005

- Fondation Huis Marseille, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, "Oublier l'exposition", 2001





- LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA, USA

- SFMOMA San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, CA, USA

- Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France

- De Young Museum, San Francisco, CA, USA

- Pier 24, San francisco, CA, USA

- Santa Barbara Museum of Art, CA, USA

- Bruce and Nancy Berman Collection, Los Angeles, CA, USA

- Brooklyn Museum, NY, USA

- Harry Ransom Center. University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA

- Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA

- Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, MO, USA

- Fonds National d'Art Contemporain, Paris, France

- Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, France

- Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France

- Musée Nicephore Niepce, Chalon-sur-Saône, France

- Fondation Neuflize Vie, Paris, France

- Bouwfonds Kunststichting, Netherlands

- Domus Artium, Salamanca, Spain

- Fondation Enrique ORDÓÑEZ, Spain

- Wilson Centre for Photography, London, UK

- Lhoist, Belgium




- She
, essay by Quentin Bajac, Twin Palms Publishers, 2012

- She, Clamshell edition with print, Twin Palms Publishers, 2012

- Austin, Texas, essay by Quentin Bajac, Conversation Azzedine Alaïa, Rick Owens, Carla Sozzani, Magnum Photos, 2008

- Austin, Texas, Clamshell edition with print, 2008

- The New Life / La Vie Nouvelle, Essay Olga Medvedkova, Twin Palms Publishers, 2005

- The New Life / La Vie Nouvelle, Clamshell edition with print, Twin Palms Publishers, 2005

- Lise Sarfati, Catalog Exhibition DA2 Domus Artium, Salamanca, Spain, 2004 and Nicolaj Comtemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, 2006

- Essays by Olga Medvedkova, Javier Panera. Published by Fundacion Salamanca Cuidad de Cultura, 2004

- Acta Est, Phaidon, 2000. Essay by Olga Medvedkova, French Edition, English Edition

Voir plus


Lise Sarfati

Lise Sarfati



Lise Sarfati

Lise Sarfati


Palace Costes

Lise Sarfati

Lise Sarfati



Interview de Lise Sarfati

Interview de Lise Sarfati


Les marcheurs de Lise Sarfati

Les marcheurs de Lise Sarfati


Madame Figaro

Paris Photo

Paris Photo



Paris Photo : Les photographes ? ne pas rater

Paris Photo : Les photographes ? ne pas rater



Paris Photo

Paris Photo


Journal des Arts

Lise Sarfati, la solitude d'Est en Ouest

Lise Sarfati, la solitude d'Est en Ouest



A la Foire

A la Foire


De L'Air

Lise sarfati, Oh Man 2013

Lise sarfati, Oh Man 2013

